About me

“I am passionate about writing, about life, about finding deeper purpose hidden within the threads of an individual’s story. About recreating the experiences of people who overcame insurmountable obstacles, rose from the deepest slimy pits to a place of freedom and healing.”

“I often wonder what I’d do if there weren’t any books in the world.”
James Baldwin, Giovanni’s Room

Multigenre Author

Hey y’all! I’m Sinyon Shuntay Ducksworth. 

I’m a southern girl with Mississippi roots; but currently living out west in Arizona with my husband, Sam, and our daughter, Myah.

I write in various genres: creative nonfiction: (inspirational, essay, critical analysis, theology), fiction: contemporary, women’s domestic life, African American, Christian, biblical history, suspense thrillers, magical realism.

God talk is what I do best.

Although it gave me joy serving as a licensed minister, I didn’t always feel that way! I just didn’t see myself as fitting into a well-groomed, primmed etiquette, evangelistic, traditional preach-the-house down, high fashion wearing southern sistah who knew how to exude sexiness and purity all at the same time. 

I was the awkward, no style having bookworm hiding in the preacher’s study, ghostwriting their sermons and studies (I never ghost-wrote for any preacher, fyi). However, I would have much rather been called to do that than preach. 

After trying to bargain with God to take His calling back (lol), I was compelled to submit and preach God’s word in 2014. 

But I’m a writer, at the core of my life’s purpose. So after separating from my home church to reunite with my husband (that’s a whole other story…get the book) back in 2017, my ministry work turned back towards the written word. 

In hindsight, I am thankful for the calling. It further expanded my interest in theology, particularly liberation and womanist theology. These days, I see myself as a developing theologian rather than a whooping preacher.

My prose be preaching, sometimes, but most importantly it be speaking, shining a light cause lost sistahs in these unjust valleys trying to find home. 

While overseeing various church ministries, I’ve gained over 10 yrs experience in church leadership, specializing in education and women’s ministry. I’ve held women older than my mother as they wept over secrets they’ve kept since childhood. I’ve cried with sistahs as we shared our real struggles to be seen and not heard, pure yet hot-n-ready for the marriage bed, ‘undefiled’. I’ve fought for my voice and prayed other women through finding their own. 

Through my journey in Christ, I’ve found purpose in being a live free in Jesus advocate, minding my grace champion, as I reread and glean from the greatest love story ever told (God dying for his creation). 

And I write about it. Somewhere tucked in my fiction stories, you’ll find me whispering freedom. In my creative nonfiction, you’ll know I am declaring freedom

And at all times, I hope my works bring laughter, joy, excitement, intrigue, intensity, love, redemption, a well of conflicting emotions until you’re bursting at the seams on all sides of yourself and want to run or cry and shout, then float free to the earth as a feather, while God’s angels come and wipe the sweat from your brow. 🖤

My Education & Work

I’m a proud graduate of the University of Southern Mississippi! “Southern Miss, to the top!” There, I earned my BA in English, emphasis in Education (2011).

In 2022, I earned my MA in English from Grand Canyon University. It was a struggle but I made it! Unless I decide to try out teaching in higher ed, I’m not seeking a Ph.D. anytime soon, haha.

I’ve been mentored by some of the most seasoned and real to life women while earning my BA in Theology at Trinity Theological Seminary, a small gem in the town of Bentonia. Ms. 

I’m currently building a thriving business as a developmental writing coach and self-publishing consultant over at letthepaperspeak.com,

I pray that something here blesses you.